Seda Ünlüçay

Seda Ünlüçay

I aim to share accessible offerings covering the awakening, emotional healing, letting go, and intuitive development journeys. I'm the creator of four guided meditation courses integrating awakening and shadow work, a children's book about the paradoxes of life, and a memoir detailing my own awakening journey. I am deeply committed to a path of growth and service and my greatest joy is sharing my gifts with others. Please head over to to learn more about my work. 




Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations

Enjoy a preview of Let Go of the Meditator

While meditation is a powerful tool for connecting with our True Nature, our practice can easily devolve into another act of doing, driving us further from our uncontrived state. Where is the peace, presence, and joy of being before we go looking for it? Do we really need rigid meditative techniques to access the truth of ourselves? Join me in relaxing mental grasping and falling effortlessly into our natural state. With background music.

Let Go of the Meditator

By Seda Ünlüçay | Let Go of the Meditator

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