Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and author who was born in Germany and educated at the Universities of London and Cambridge. At the age of 29, a profound inner transformation radically changed the course of his life. The next few years were devoted to understanding, integrating and deepening that transformation, which marked the beginning of an intense inward journey. Later, he began to work in London with individuals and small groups as a counsellor and spiritual teacher. Eckhart shares his time between British Columbia, Canada and California




Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations

Genießen Sie eine Vorschau auf Intelligence Beyond the Mind

In Intelligence Beyond the Mind, Eckart Tolle compares the voice of the thinking mind with the non-conceptual space of awareness he calls ”unconditioned consciousness”.

Intelligence Beyond the Mind

Mit Eckhart Tolle | Intelligence Beyond the Mind

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