Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson, PsyD is as an executive coach. She is passionate about embodied learning and leadership, and leveraging it to cultivate strong business and community leaders, healthy workplaces, and engaged, thriving communities. She is the author of "The Leadership Pause - Sharpen Your Attention, Deepen Your Presence and Navigate the Future" Chris is the Founder and CEO of Q4 Consulting.




Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations

Genießen Sie eine Vorschau auf Leadership Pause

A fundamental skill of effectively leading one's life is to learn to Pause. Dr. Chris Johnson guides the listener to pause, to interrupt the automatic, typically out-of-awareness behavior--be it a thought, an action or even an emotional state-to allow for reflection. Practicing the Leadership Pause develops core presence, the essence of a fully lived life.

Leadership Pause

Mit Chris Johnson | Leadership Pause

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