Richard Mendius

Richard Mendius

Richard Mendius, MD, is a neurologist and co-founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom. He trained at UCLA as an epileptologist and neurobehaviorist. He has been on the teaching faculty of UCLA, Oregon Health Sciences University, and Stanford University. His meditation practice began in the 1980s with Shinzen Young and continues at Spirit Rock Meditation Center with Jack Kornfield and Ajahn Amaro. He teaches a weekly meditation class at San Quentin. His daughters, Courtney and Taryn, and his son, Ian, are three of his main teachers and companions on the path.




Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations

Genießen Sie eine Vorschau auf Mosaic Meditation

In Mosaic Meditation, Richard Mendius brings you to an understanding of how each moment of your life is like a mosaic, multisensory tiles of senses that form a picture and how you can move the tiles around to make a better picture in difficult areas in your life.

Mosaic Meditation

Mit Richard Mendius | Mosaic Meditation

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