Nisha Besara

Nisha Besara

Besides from a speaker and moderator Nisha is an experienced skydiver.




Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations

Genießen Sie eine Vorschau auf Mindfulness & Skydiving

In this episode, we meet Nisha Besara, besides from a speaker and moderator Nisha is an experienced skydiver. We discuss how the act of jumping out of a plane can be a powerful catalyst for being present and how mindfulness can enhance the overall skydiving experience. Whether you´re a seasoned skydiver or curious about mindfulness, this episode is sure to inspire you to live in the moment and approach life with a mindful perspective. Join the talk!

Mindfulness & Skydiving

Mit Nisha Besara | Mindfulness & Skydiving

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