David Rycroft

David Rycroft

David Rycroft is the director of Mind With Heart, an international charity training teachers and students in sustainable wellbeing, emotional health and social connection. David has 15 years experience in training mindfulness instructors and school teachers in tools for emotional health and in sharing these with teenagers. Educated at Eton College and Edinburgh University, he taught art in a London secondary school for ten years before co-founding Mind With Heart. David has been studying and practising in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition since 1994. He is also a practicing fine-artist.




Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations

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David guides you through a short exercise for becoming more relaxed, present and aware… at any time of day.

Body - Breath - Being

Mit David Rycroft | Body - Breath - Being

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